The West Virginia Collegiate Initiative to Advance Healthy Campus Communities (WVCIA) was chartered in 2008 as a membership-based organization to proactively address substance use disorders, violence, and mental health issues among college students. Over the past 17 years, WVCIA has successfully led efforts to promote healthy campus environments through education, advocacy, and evidence-based practices. Funding partners include the West Virginia Department of Human Resources, Bureau for Behavioral Health, and the Governor’s Highway Safety Program. 

Through the use of evidence-based strategies, the program promotes healthy campus environments through self-regulatory initiatives, information dissemination, public policy influence, cooperation with prevention partners and technical assistance. WVCIA currently receives grant funding through the Governor’s Highway Safety Program and SAMHSA’s State Opioid Response program.

Member organizations and partners of WVCIA include universities, colleges, community and technical colleges throughout West Virginia, state agencies, community partners and more. The group is governed by an executive committee and three standing committees – a professional development committee, a membership and promotion committee, and an assessment committee. The WVCIA Executive Committee with membership approval has created a 4 year strategic plan outlining goals, objectives and strategies.

The organization holds quarterly membership meetings, provides professional development opportunities for members, and participates in statewide assessments and strategic planning.

Partners and Members:

Colleges and universities
State agencies
Non-profit organizations

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